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Thursday, 21 May 2020

how to earn from Affiliate marketing ,earn from online zero investment

HOw to  Earn Money from Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular method for advertising among people from developing countries. In this model, people who sell their goods or services online pay to third party publishers to generate traffics to their websites. Here you are a third-party publisher (affiliate) who will generate leads (visitors) to other people’s websites. When you enter in affiliate marketing and choose the products that you want to sell, produces provide you with a unique referrer code or a unique link that you can put up in your blog, Youtube video description, pages and groups to send people to the target site.

When an interested client clicks on that link they get redirected to the seller site. If they purchase a product, then you will receive your commission. One of the most popular affiliate programs is now being run by PayPal  Digital Wallet, where people get paid up to $ 5 if someone signs up after following an affiliate link.

Remember, for affiliate marketing you should have an already popular website, blog, Youtube channel, Facebook or Instagram pages. If you don’t have any, you can start today. You can sign up for an affiliate program of small companies as well as large companies like Amazon. You get paid anywhere from 5% to 50% depending on the website for every sale you generate for them.

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